From the journals of Cap'n Jonas Porksword
Fifth, March in the Year of our Lord, Two-Thousand and Ten:
Despite the setbacks I've encountered on this voyage, today I am elated. Some treasure was found in the form of a new assignment, so we may not have to scuttle the old Money Shot just yet.
Crackers, ever the negative bird, had only this to say:
"SQUAWK! It'll all end in tears!"
So decided to carve out some of what they call "me-time" on deck this afternoon. After sending the churls down below, I had my fiddlers come out and I had a bang-up of a time dancing with the figurehead to some of my favorite sea chantys.
I did suffer a splinter as I performed some acrobatic hip and hop-like maneouvers, but they hardly reduced me to tears.
Fooey on you, Crackers. The celebration continues.
Sea Chanty of the Day:
Head under water,
And they tell me to breathe easy for a while.
The breathing gets harder, even I know that.
- Madame Sara Bareilles
This entry was posted
on Friday, March 5, 2010
at Friday, March 05, 2010
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Some titillating literature

Some titillating literature
About Me

- Cap'n Porksword
- After cutting some major throats, I assumed captaincy of the Money Shot this year and plan to use it to loot, plunder and pillage the hearts of hearty lads across the globe. But mainly in San Diego, since we seem to dock there frequently.