From the journals of Cap'n Jonas Porksword
Second, March in the Year of our Lord, Two-Thousand and Ten:
To my mind, a swashbuckling pirate like myself, should not be spending the orange-tinted twilight waiting by the phone for a text.
Granted, this rogue buccaneer of nigh-Olympian physical proportions is a stout fellow, and of a good quality. Still, his invitation to walk his plank was marred by a thing he called a "client dinner" and he was unsure how long this would last.
Crackers, my somewhat imaginary parrot companion, would have me believe I be falling for a line, hook sinker and all.
"SQUAWK! He's yanking your chain, Cap'n!"
"I be all right with that. Now go below!"
"You'll look like a SQUAWK! fetching lassie,
waiting for her beau!"
"Get below decks, or it's parrot soup tonight for the men!"
The bird has the irritating ring of truth, however.
I am trying to distract myself by reading some rather titillating literature I picked up in our last port from an ancient, leather-garbed sutler, who offered these books at a few pence.
It's not working. The L'il Cap'n keeps coming to attention.
Let's hope this scurvy knave calls before I have to take matters into my own hand.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, March 2, 2010
at Tuesday, March 02, 2010
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Some titillating literature

Some titillating literature
About Me

- Cap'n Porksword
- After cutting some major throats, I assumed captaincy of the Money Shot this year and plan to use it to loot, plunder and pillage the hearts of hearty lads across the globe. But mainly in San Diego, since we seem to dock there frequently.